Friday, November 20, 2009

Caring Society/Masyarakat Penyayang 09.10.09

This set of Malaysian stamps are to acclaim the rights of children who are the future of a country according to the Convention on the Rights of the Child(CRC), article 45. 
With Unicef's help in implementing it, hopefully we will witness a better future for everyone.
Hak Mendapat Makanan/Right to Food
Hak Mendapat Pendidikan/Right to Education
Hak Mendapat Perlindungan/Right to Protection
Thanks Mum for managing the FDI postmarks for me!
I did not manage to do any in regards to 'Right to Play' and the RM1 CRC Stamp, which is a shame, but Mum did, so check hers out anyway!

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